Amateur Radio Software
Distributed with (X)Ubuntu LTS
Serge Stroobandt, ON4AA
Copyright 2014–2018, licensed under Creative Commons BY-NC-SA
Amateur radio (also called “ham radio”), is a technical hobby Many ham radio stations are highly integrated with computers. Radios are interfaced with computers to aid with contact logging, propagation prediction, station spotting, antenna steering, signal (de)modulation and filtering.
For many years, amateur radio software has been a bastion of Windows™ applications developed by However, with the advent of the Rasperry Pi, amateur radio hobbyists are slowly but surely discovering GNU/Linux.
Most of the software for GNU/Linux is available through package repositories. Such package repositories come by default with the GNU/Linux distribution of your choice. Package management systems offer many benefits in the form of security (you know what you are getting from whom) and ease-of-use (packages are upgraded automatically). No longer does one need to wander the back corners of the internet to find new or updated software, exposing oneself to the risk of catching a computer virus.
A number of GNU/Linux distributions offer freely installable ham-related packages under the “Amateur Radio” section of their main repository. The largest collection of ham radio packages is offered by OpenSuse and Debian-derived distributions like Xubuntu LTS and Linux Mint, to name but a few. Arch Linux may also have whole bunch of ham related software in the Arch User Repository (AUR).
One way to find and install ham radio packages on Debian-derived distros is by using the Synaptic graphical package manager (see Figure 1). However, searching the vast Synaptic package database may become rapidly overwhelming at times. This is why for this article, another technique was employed; namely, shamelessly exploiting aptitude
command-line arguments.

The Synaptic graphical package manager partially showing the “Amateur Radio” section of the Xubuntu LTS repository.
The entire default ham radio package list is printed below. Lazy as I am, the Markdown table was created from the command line and included by reference into the surprisingly short Markdown source of this page. Below command prints a Markdown pipe table with the package name and description of all packages belonging to the hamradio
section of the native
architecture. If you want to find out more about how this works, here are aptitude
’s package list customisation escape codes and search patterns.
$ aptitude -F'%p' search '~r native ~s hamradio' \
|xargs apt-cache show \
|awk '/^Package/{name=$2} \
/^Description-en/{$1="";sub(FS,"");description=$0} \
/^Homepage/{url=$2} \
/^$/{if(url) {printf("|["name"]("url")|"description"|\n"); url=""} \
else {printf("|"name"|"description"|\n")}}' \
|sed -e '/.*-common/d' -e '/.*-core/d' \
-e '/.*-data/d' -e '/.*-dev/d' -e '/.*-doc.*/d' \
-e '/^|lib.*/d' -e '/^|\[lib.*/d' \
|sort -u \
> ../doc/hamradio.tmp
name | package description |
acfax | Receive faxes using your radio and sound card |
aldo | Morse code training program |
ampr-ripd | Routing daemon for AMPRnet gateway announcements |
antennavis | antenna radiation pattern visualization software |
aprsdigi | digipeater for APRS |
aprx | APRS Digipeater and iGate |
ax25-apps | AX.25 ham radio applications |
ax25mail-utils | hamradio packet utilities for fbb |
ax25-tools | tools for AX.25 interface configuration |
ax25-xtools | tools for AX.25 interface configuration – X11-based |
axmail | Mail user agent for ax.25 users, accessed via a node frontend |
baycomepp | Drivers for the HB9JNX packet radio epp modem |
baycomusb | Drivers for the HB9JNX packet radio usb modem |
chirp-daily | Configuration tool for amateur radios |
comptext | Gui based tool to compare two text streams |
comptty | GUI based tool to compare two RTTY streams |
cqrlog | Advanced logging program for hamradio operators |
cqrlog | Advanced logging program for hamradio operators |
cubicsdr | Software Defined Radio receiver |
cutesdr | simple demodulation and spectrum display program |
cwcp | Morse code tutor - text user interface |
cwdaemon | morse daemon for the parallel or serial port |
cw | Morse code tutor - command line user interface |
dablin | CLI and GTK+ GUI DAB & DAB+ receiver client |
direwolf | Soundcard TNC for APRS |
dmrconfig | Configuration utility for DMR radios |
ebook2cwgui | GUI for ebook2cw |
ebook2cw | convert ebooks to Morse MP3s/OGGs |
fbb | Packet radio mailbox and utilities |
fccexam | Study tool for USA FCC commercial radio license exams. |
flamp | ham radio Amateur Multicast Protocol application |
fldigi | digital modem program for hamradio operators |
flmsg | amateur radio forms management editor |
flrig | ham radio transceiver control program |
flwrap | amateur radio file encapsulation/compression utility |
freedv | Software Defined Radio (SDR) |
glfer | program for reception and transmission of QRSS/DFCW signals |
gnss-sdr | Global navigation satellite systems software defined receiver |
gnuaisgui | OpenStreetMap GUI for gnuais |
gnuais | AIS receiver which uses the discriminator output of VHF receivers |
gpredict | Satellite tracking program |
gqrx-sdr | Software defined radio receiver |
gqrx-sdr | Software defined radio receiver |
gr-dab | Gnuradio blocks and tools for receiving DAB and DAB+ radio |
grig | graphical user interface to the Ham Radio Control Libraries |
gsmc | Smith Chart calculator for impedance matching |
hacktv | Analogue TV transmitter for the HackRF |
hamexam | Study tool for USA FCC amateur radio (ham) exams. |
hamradio-files | Ham radio call sign and prefix lists |
icom | Software control for ICOM radios with CI-V interface |
inspectrum | tool for visualising captured radio signals |
js8call | Amateur Radio Digital Mode providing weak signal messaging |
klog | Multiplatform ham radio logging program |
limesuite | tools to test, control and update LMS7 transceiver based hardware |
linpac | terminal for packet radio with mail client |
linpsk | program for operating PSK31/RTTY modes with X GUI |
mhuxd | Device Router for microHam keyers. |
morse2ascii | tool for decoding the morse codes from a PCM WAV file |
morse | training program about morse-code for aspiring radio hams |
morse-x | morse “practicing” tool for X |
multimon | Linux Radio Transmission Decoder |
multimon-ng | digital radio transmission decoder |
nec2c | Translation of the NEC2 FORTRAN source code to the C language |
owx | utility to program Wouxun dual-band handheld radios |
p10cfgd | Remote configuration daemon for Gracilis Packeten |
psk31lx | PSK31 terminal application with text-based user interface |
pyqso | logging tool for amateur radio operators |
qrq | high speed morse trainer, similar to DL4MM’s Rufz |
qsstv | Qt-based slow-scan TV and fax |
qtel | Graphical client for the EchoLink® protocol |
qtel-icons | Icons for graphical client for the EchoLink® protocol |
quisk | Software Defined Radio (SDR) |
remotetrx | Remote controller for radio transceivers |
rtl-433 | Decode 433.9 Mhz data |
soapyremote-server | Use SoapySDR devices over network (server) |
soapysdr0.7-module-airspy | Airspy device support for SoapySDR |
soapysdr0.7-module-all | All device support for SoapySDR (metapackage) |
soapysdr0.7-module-audio | Audio device support for SoapySDR |
soapysdr0.7-module-bladerf | bladeRF device support for SoapySDR |
soapysdr0.7-module-hackrf | HackRF device support for SoapySDR |
soapysdr0.7-module-lms7 | Lime Microsystems LMS7 device support for SoapySDR |
soapysdr0.7-module-mirisdr | Mirics SDR device support for SoapySDR |
soapysdr0.7-module-osmosdr | OsmoSDR device support for SoapySDR |
soapysdr0.7-module-redpitaya | RedPitaya device support for SoapySDR |
soapysdr0.7-module-remote | Use SoapySDR devices over network (client module) |
soapysdr0.7-module-rfspace | RFSpace device support for SoapySDR |
soapysdr0.7-module-rtlsdr | RTL-SDR device support for SoapySDR |
soapysdr0.7-module-uhd | UHD device support for SoapySDR |
soapysdr-module-airspy | Airspy device support for SoapySDR (default version) |
soapysdr-module-all | All device support for default version of SoapySDR (metapackage) |
soapysdr-module-audio | Audio device support for SoapySDR (default version) |
soapysdr-module-bladerf | bladeRF device support for SoapySDR (default version) |
soapysdr-module-hackrf | HackRF device support for SoapySDR (default version) |
soapysdr-module-lms7 | Lime Microsystems LMS7 device support for SoapySDR (default version) |
soapysdr-module-mirisdr | Mirics SDR device support for SoapySDR (default version) |
soapysdr-module-osmosdr | OsmoSDR device support for SoapySDR (default version) |
soapysdr-module-redpitaya | RedPitaya device support for SoapySDR (default version) |
soapysdr-module-remote | Use SoapySDR devices over network (default client module) |
soapysdr-module-rfspace | RFSpace device support for SoapySDR (default version) |
soapysdr-module-rtlsdr | RTL-SDR device support for SoapySDR (default version) |
soapysdr-module-uhd | UHD device support for SoapySDR (default version) |
soapysdr-tools | software defined radio interface library tools |
soundmodem | Sound Card Amateur Packet Radio Modems |
splat | analyze point-to-point terrestrial RF communication links |
svxlink-calibration-tools | Calibration tools for SvxLink amateur radio suite |
svxlink-gpio | GPIO control scripts SvxLink amateur radio server |
svxlink-server | Voice-over-IP server for ham radio operators |
svxreflector | Conference server for SvxLink amateur radio servers |
tk2 | Tk GUI for the ICOM IC-R2 receiver |
tk5 | Experimental Software for the ICOM IC-R5 Receiver |
tlf | console based ham radio contest logger |
trustedqsl | QSL log signing for the Logbook of the World (LoTW) |
tucnak | VHF/UHF/SHF Hamradio contest logging program |
twclock | World clock for ham radio operators |
twpsk | Soundcard-based X program for operating PSK31 |
uhd-soapysdr | SoapySDR device support for libuhd |
uronode | Node front end for AX.25, NET/ROM, Rose and TCP | | DAB/DAB+ Software Radio |
wsjtx | Weak-signal amateur radio communications |
wsjtx | DAB/DAB+ Software Radio |
wwl | Calculates distance and azimuth between two Maidenhead locators |
xastir | X Amateur Station Tracking and Information Reporting |
xcwcp | Morse code tutor - graphical user interface |
xdemorse | decode Morse signals to text |
xdx | DX-cluster tcp/ip client for amateur radio |
xlog | GTK+ Logging program for Hamradio Operators |
xnec2c | calculate and display radio antenna properties |
xnecview | NEC structure and gain pattern viewer |
yagiuda | software to analyse performance of Yagi-Uda antennas |
z8530-utils2 | Utilities for Z8530 based HDLC cards for AX.25 |
But wait, there is more! … The vast array of electronics
packages should not be overlooked.
$ ( aptitude -F'%p' search '~r native ~s electronics'
aptitude -F'%p' search '~r native ~Rrecommends: science-electronics'
aptitude -F'%p' search '~r native ~Rsuggests: science-electronics' ) \
|xargs apt-cache show \
|awk '/^Package/{name=$2} \
/^Description-en/{$1="";sub(FS,"");description=$0} \
/^Homepage/{url=$2} \
/^$/{if(url) {printf("|["name"]("url")|"description"|\n"); url=""} \
else {printf("|"name"|"description"|\n")}}' \
|sed -e '/.*-common/d' -e '/.*-core/d' \
-e '/.*-data/d' -e '/.*-dev/d' -e '/.*-doc.*/d' \
-e '/^|lib.*/d' -e '/^|\[lib.*/d' \
|sort -u \
> ../doc/electronics.tmp
name | package description |
altos | Altus Metrum firmware and utilities |
arachne-pnr-chipdb | Chip db files for arachne-pnr |
arachne-pnr | Place and route tool for iCE40 family FPGAs |
arduino-builder | Command line tool for compiling Arduino sketches |
arduino | AVR development board IDE and built-in libraries |
arduino-mighty-1284p | Platform files for Arduino to run on ATmega1284P |
arduino-mk | Program your Arduino from the command line |
atlc | Arbitrary Transmission Line Calculator |
atlc-examples | Examples for Arbitrary Transmission Line Calculator |
avarice | use GDB with Atmel AVR debuggers |
avra | assembler for Atmel AVR microcontrollers |
avrdude | software for programming Atmel AVR microcontrollers |
avrp | Programmer for Atmel AVR microcontrollers |
berkeley-abc | ABC - A System for Sequential Synthesis and Verification |
bossa-cli | Atmel SAM ARM microcontroller flash programming utility |
bossa | Atmel SAM ARM microcontroller flash programming GUI |
bottlerocket | Utility to control X10 Firecracker devices for home automation |
caneda | Electronic Design Automation software focused on easy of use and portability |
canmatrix-utils | Handle CAN (Controller Area Network) descriptions - cmdline utilities |
circuit-macros | Macros for drawing electric circuits |
ckb-next | driver for Corsair keyboards and mice |
covered | Verilog code coverage analysis tool |
cycfx2prog | Cypress EZ-USB FX2 (LP) programmer |
dfcgen-gtk | Digital Filter Coefficients Generator (DFCGen) GTK+ |
dfu-util | Device firmware update (DFU) USB programmer |
digitemp | read temperature sensors in a 1-Wire net |
drawtiming | tool for documenting hardware designs through timing diagrams |
electric | electrical CAD system |
esptool | create and flash firmware files to ESP8266 and ESP32 chips |
flashrom | Identify, read, write, erase, and verify BIOS/ROM/flash chips |
flexloader | utility to configure SRAM based ALTERA devices |
fped | Footprint editor |
fpga-icestorm-chipdb | Chip database files for fpga-icestorm |
fpga-icestorm | Tools to handle the bitstream format of Lattice iCE40 FPGAs |
freehdl | VHDL simulator for Linux |
fritzing | Easy-to-use electronic design software |
fritzing-parts | Easy-to-use electronic design software (parts files) |
gerbv | Gerber file viewer (only RS 274 X format) |
ghdl-gcc | VHDL compiler/simulator (GCC backend) |
ghdl | VHDL compiler/simulator |
ghdl-llvm | VHDL compiler/simulator (LLVM backend) |
ghdl-mcode | VHDL compiler/simulator (mcode backend) |
glogic | graphical logic circuit simulator |
gnucap-default-plugins0 | GNU Circuit Analysis package, default plugins |
gnucap | GNU Circuit Analysis package, main executable |
gnusim8085 | Graphical Intel 8085 simulator, assembler and debugger |
gplcver | Verilog simulator |
gpsim | Simulator for Microchip’s PIC microcontrollers |
gputils | GNU PIC utilities |
graywolf | Placement for digital VLSI design |
gtkwave | VCD (Value Change Dump) file waveform viewer |
gwave | waveform viewer eg for spice simulators |
horizon-eda | EDA layout and schematic application |
imx-code-signing-tool | code signing tool for i.MX platform |
imx-usb-loader | imx_loader - i.MX/Vybrid recovery utility |
irsim | Switch-level simulator |
iverilog | Icarus verilog compiler |
kicad-demos | Demo projects for kicad |
kicad-footprints | Footprint symbols for KiCad’s Pcbnew |
kicad | Electronic schematic and PCB design software |
kicad-packages3d | 3D models for 3D viewer in KiCad’s Pcbnew and Footprint Editor |
kicad-symbols | Schematic symbols for KiCad’s Eeschema |
kicad-templates | Project templates for KiCad |
klayout | High Performance Layout Viewer and Editor |
langford-utils | Control programs for the Per Vices Noctar IQ demodulator board |
lepton-eda | Lepton Electronic Design Automation (metapackage) |
listserialportsc | list serial ports |
lpctools | interface to NXP LPC Microcontrollers ISP serial interface |
m16c-flash | Flash programmer for Renesas M16C and R8C microcontrollers |
magic | VLSI layout tool |
mcu8051ide | Graphical Integrated Development Environment for 8051 |
mspdebug | debugging tool for MSP430 microcontrollers |
myhdl-cosimulation | MyHDL cosimulation files |
nbc | C compiler for LEGO Mindstorms NXT bricks |
netgen-lvs | Netlist comparison - Layout vs Schematic (LVS) |
ngspice | Spice circuit simulator |
nitpic | simulator for the Microchip PIC16C84 microcontroller |
nxt-firmware | Improved firmware for LEGO Mindstorms NXT bricks |
octave-openems | Octave interface for openems |
openems | Electromagnetic simulator |
opensta | Gate-level Static Timing Analyzer |
owfs-fuse | 1-Wire filesystem |
owfs | Dallas 1-wire support |
owftpd | FTP daemon providing access to 1-Wire networks |
owhttpd | HTTP daemon providing access to 1-Wire networks |
owserver | Backend server for 1-Wire control |
ow-shell | shell utilities to talk to an 1-Wire owserver |
ow-tools | tools to monitor or inspect a ow-server link |
pcb2gcode | command-line tool for engraving PCBs using CNCs |
pcb-gtk | printed circuit board (pcb) design program - GTK+ interface |
pcb | printed circuit board (pcb) design program - metapackage |
pcb-lesstif | printed circuit board (pcb) design program - LessTif interface |
pcb-rnd-auto | Autoroute and autoplace. |
pcb-rnd-cloud | Networking plugins. |
pcb-rnd-debug | Debug and diagnostics. |
pcb-rnd-export-extra | Export formats: special/extra |
pcb-rnd-export | Common export plugins. |
pcb-rnd-export-sim | Export plugins to simulators |
pcb-rnd-extra | Extra action commands and optional functionality. |
pcb-rnd-hid-gtk2-gdk | GUI: gtk2, software render |
pcb-rnd-hid-gtk2-gl | GUI: gtk2, opengl |
pcb-rnd-hid-lesstif | GUI: motif/lesstif, software render |
pcb-rnd | Standard installation of pcb-rnd |
pcb-rnd-import-geo | Geometry import plugins. |
pcb-rnd-import-net | Netlist/schematics import plugins. |
pcb-rnd-io-alien | File format compatibility with other PCB layout designers. |
pcb-rnd-io-standard | Commonly used non-native board and footprint file formats |
pcb-rnd-lib-gl | Support library for rendering with opengl. |
pcb-rnd-lib-gtk | Support library for building the GUI with gtk. |
pcb-rnd-lib-gui | Support library for building the GUI. |
pcb-rnd-lib-io | Support library for alien file formats. |
pd-pduino | interfacing with the Arduino from within Pure Data (Pd) |
pd-xbee | interfacing with your XBee from within Pure Data (Pd) |
picprog | Microchip PIC serial programmer software |
pulseview | sigrok logic analyzer, oscilloscope, and MSO GUI |
pycirkuit | front-end for “Circuit Macros” and the PIC language |
qflow | Open-Source Digital Synthesis Flow |
qflow-tech-osu018 | Technology files needed for qflow for osu018 |
qflow-tech-osu035 | Technology files needed for qflow for osu035 |
qflow-tech-osu050 | Technology files needed for qflow for osu050 |
qrouter | Multi-level, over-the-cell maze router |
rfdump | tool to decode RFID tag data |
s51dude | In-System Programmer for 8051 MCUs using usbtiny |
scantool | OBD-II vehicle diagnostic scanner |
sdcc | Small Device C Compiler |
sdcc-libraries | Small Device C Compiler (libraries) |
sdcc-ucsim | Micro-controller simulator for SDCC |
sigrok-cli | command-line frontend for the sigrok software |
sigrok-firmware-fx2lafw | Firmware for Cypress FX2(LP) based logic analyzers |
sigrok | Logic analyzer and protocol decoder software suite (metapackage) |
simavr | lean and mean AVR simulator |
simulavr | Atmel AVR simulator |
simulide | simple real time electronic circuit simulator |
simulpic | simulator for Microchip PIC16F84 microcontroller |
spectools | Utilities for using the Wi-Spy USB spectrum analyzer hardware |
spim | MIPS R2000/R3000 emulator |
stlink-gui | OpenSource ST-Link tools replacement. |
stlink-tools | OpenSource ST-Link tools replacement. |
stm32flash | STM32 chip flashing utility using a serial bootloader |
t2n | Simple command-line tool for LEGO Mindstorms NXT |
tclspice | NGSpice library for Tcl |
tkgate | Tcl/Tk based digital circuit editor and simulator |
uhubctl | USB hub per-port power control |
uisp | Micro In-System Programmer for Atmel’s AVR MCUs |
usbrelay | USB HID relay driver |
verilator | fast free Verilog simulator |
vish | Commandline interface for Virtual Instrument Software Architecture |
w1retap | Data logger for 1-Wire weather sensors |
w1retap-mongo | Data logger for 1-Wire weather sensors (MongoDB plugin) |
w1retap-mysql | Data logger for 1-Wire weather sensors (MySQL plugin) |
w1retap-odbc | Data logger for 1-Wire weather sensors (ODBC plugin) |
w1retap-pgsql | Data logger for 1-Wire weather sensors (PostgreSQL plugin) |
w1retap-sqlite | Data logger for 1-Wire weather sensors (SQLite plugin) |
xc3sprog | JTAG flashing tool for FPGAs, CPLDs and EEPROMs |
xcircuit | Draw circuit schematics or almost anything |
xschem | schematic capture program |
yosys | Framework for Verilog RTL synthesis |
Every home-brewed ham project involves some amount of engineering…
$ ( aptitude -F'%p' search '~r native ~Rrecommends: science-engineering'
aptitude -F'%p' search '~r native ~Rsuggests: science-engineering' ) \
|xargs apt-cache show \
|awk '/^Package/{name=$2} \
/^Description-en/{$1="";sub(FS,"");description=$0} \
/^Homepage/{url=$2} \
/^$/{if(url) {printf("|["name"]("url")|"description"|\n"); url=""} \
else {printf("|"name"|"description"|\n")}}' \
|sed -e '/.*-common/d' -e '/.*-core/d' \
-e '/.*-data/d' -e '/.*-dev/d' -e '/.*-doc.*/d' \
-e '/^|lib.*/d' -e '/^|\[lib.*/d' \
|sort -u \
> ../doc/engineering.tmp
name | package description |
ann-tools | Approximate Nearest Neighbor Searching library (tools) |
calculix-ccx | Three-Dimensional Structural Finite Element Program |
calculix-ccx-test | Three-Dimensional Structural Finite Element Program (documentation files) |
calculix-cgx-examples | Example files for Calculix GraphiX |
calculix-cgx | Calculix cgx is a 3-dimensional pre- and post-processor for fem |
cba | Continuous Beam Analysis |
cgns-convert | CFD General Notation System - Conversion tools |
code-saturne-bin | General purpose Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) software - binaries |
code-saturne | General purpose Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) software |
code-saturne-include | General purpose Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) software - includes |
dime | DXF Import, Manipulation, and Export programs |
fenics | Automated Solution of Differential Equations |
freecad | Extensible Open Source CAx program |
gerris | Fluid Flow Solver |
getdp | general environment for the treatment of discrete problems |
gmsh | Three-dimensional finite element mesh generator |
hdfview | Java HDF Object viewer |
lxi-tools | LAN eXtensions for Instrumentation (LXI) software interface |
metis-edf | Family of Multilevel Partitioning Algorithms |
netgen | Automatic 3d tetrahedral mesh generator |
oce-draw | OpenCASCADE Community Edition CAE platform shared library |
openfoam | Open source toolbox for Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) - binaries |
openturns-examples | examples of OpenTURNS functionalities |
python3-admesh | Python bindings for the ADMesh (Python 3) |
python3-collada | Python 3 module for creating, editing and loading COLLADA |
python3-dolfin | Python interface for DOLFIN (Python 3) |
python3-escript | Escript/Finley finite elements Python3 system (with OpenMP) |
python3-escript-mpi | Escript/Finley finite elements Python3 system (OpenMP + MPI) |
python3-fiat | tabulation of finite element function spaces (Python 3) |
python3-fluids | Python 3 fluid dynamics and engineering design library |
python3-netcdf4 | Python 3 interface to the netCDF4 (network Common Data Form) library |
python3-openturns | Python3 front-end of OpenTURNS (aka TUI) |
python3-pygalmesh | Python 3 frontend to CGAL’s 3D mesh generators |
python3-pynfft | Python bindings for the NFFT3 library - Python 3 |
python3-silo | Python3 interface to the SILO Scientific I/O library |
r-cran-rnetcdf | GNU R package that provides an R interface to NetCDF datasets |
r-cran-spc | GNU R Statistical Process Control |
sailcut | Sail design and plotting software |
scram | Probabilistic Risk Analysis Tool |
solvespace | Parametric 2d/3d CAD |
tetgen | Quality Tetrahedral Mesh Generator |
z88 | Finite Element Analysis Program - runtime |
In the section universe/science
, there are more packages of interest to the amateur radio operator. The reason why these packages did not show up before is in part due to poor package classification.
$ aptitude -F'%p' search '~r native ~s universe/science' \
|grep -e astronomical-almanac -e aweather -e fcd- -e openuniverse -e savi -e seti -e stellarium -e wfrog -e xtide \
|xargs apt-cache show \
|awk '/^Package/{name=$2} \
/^Description-en/{$1="";sub(FS,"");description=$0} \
/^Homepage/{url=$2} \
/^$/{if(url) {printf("|["name"]("url")|"description"|\n"); url=""} \
else {printf("|"name"|"description"|\n")}}' \
|sed -e '/.*-common/d' -e '/.*-core/d' \
-e '/.*-data/d' -e '/.*-dev/d' -e '/.*-doc.*/d' \
-e '/^|lib.*/d' -e '/^|\[lib.*/d' \
|sort -u \
> ../doc/science.tmp
name | package description |
astronomical-almanac | astronomical almanac - calculate planet and star positions |
boinc-app-seti-graphics | SETI@home application for the BOINC client (with graphics) |
boinc-app-seti | SETI@home application for the BOINC client |
openuniverse | 3D Universe Simulator |
qthid-fcd-controller | Funcube Dongle controller |
savi | satellite constellation visualisation |
stellarium | real-time photo-realistic sky generator |
xtide-coastline | coastline data for xtide |
xtide | provides tide and current predictions |
Even more
- Check out Hamsoft, for even more ham software which perhaps is not distributed with (X)Ubuntu. Also, —if your really need to— much Windows™-only software will run flawlessly on GNU/Linux by using tools such as PlayOnLinux. In another article, you can read about my experience running closed source ham radio software on GNU/Linux.
Telnet into a DX-Cluster
Here is another little trick if you like to connect to a DX-cluster with telnet
in the command line. Preceed the telnet
command with a rlwrap
command. Doing so, will provide command history via the up ↑ and down ↓ arrows, which is quite handy.
Obviously, (X)Ubuntu also has DX-cluster clients with a graphical user interface (GUI) and computer aided tuning (CAT) on offer. One such program is xdx
and comes with the standard repository.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution‑NonCommercial‑ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Other licensing available on request.

Unless otherwise stated, all originally authored software on this site is licensed under the terms of GNU GPL version 3.

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