Ubiquitous remind Calendar
Serge Y. Stroobandt
Copyright 2014–2015, licensed under Creative Commons BY-NC-SA
This page is still under construction.
- text-based
- Distributed revision control
- spy-safe, like those personal information managers for contacts and tasks that I use.
- semantic text, much more powerful. program dates into your calendar until the end of times. Once you know it a bit, quicker.
David F. Skoll started writing Remind in 1989 because I was fed up with the limitations of the UNIX calendar program.
home page
developer David F. Skoll of Roaring Penguin
Remind tutorial
- 2000 Linux Journal Remind: The Ultimate Personal Calendar
- 2007 really sparked interest among Mac OS X users 43 Folders Guest: Mike Harris looks at “Remind”
- It is funny how I keep on running into Aditya Mahajan —well, after all we are both electronic engineers— Finally, a usable calendar program
- Remind – A Killer App
- HOWTO: One remind to rule them all
- Manage your time with Remind
user@client $ sudo apt-get update
user@client $ sudo apt-get install remind wyrd
user@client $ echo 'export EDITOR="nano"' >> .bashrc
user@client $ source .bashrc
Distributed revision control
user@server $ sudo apt-get update
user@server $ sudo apt-get install remind wyrd
user@server $ hg init remind
user@server $ touch ~/remind/reminders
user@server $ cp /etc/wyrdrc ~/remind/
user@server $ hg add
user@server $ hg com -m "first commit"
Symbolic links
user@client $ hg clone ssh://user@server.url:port/remind
user@client $ ln -s remind/reminders .reminders
user@client $ ln -s remind/wyrdrc .wyrdrc
user@client $ nano .wyrdrc
# the default reminder file to display
set reminders_file="$HOME/.remind/reminders"

A screen-shot of wyrd
~/.wyrdrc for Europeans
Most ~/.wyrdrc
examples found on the Internet are typical US examples. Hence, it will not hurt presenting a typical European .wyrdrc
example here. Furthermore, I have added a number of key bindings rendering Wyrd more accessible to non-vi(m)-users.
# Wyrd run-configuration file
# command for the Remind executable
set remind_command="remind"
# the default reminder file to display
set reminders_file="$HOME/remind/reminders"
# command for editing an old appointment, given a line number %line% and filename %file%
set edit_old_command="${VISUAL:-$EDITOR} +%line% %file% > /dev/null 2>&1"
# command for editing a new appointment, given a filename %file%
set edit_new_command="${VISUAL:-$EDITOR} +999999 %file% > /dev/null 2>&1"
# command for free editing of the reminders file, given a filename %file%
set edit_any_command="${VISUAL:-$EDITOR} %file% > /dev/null 2>&1"
# templates for creating new appointments
# %monname% -> month name, %mon% -> month number, %mday% -> day of the month,
# %year% -> year, %hour% -> hour, %min% -> minute, %wdayname% -> weekday name
# %wday% -> weekday number
set timed_template="REM %monname% %mday% %year% AT %hour%:%min% DURATION 1:00 MSG %1, %3: %\"%\""
set untimed_template="REM %monname% %mday% %year% MSG "
# weekly recurrence
set template0="REM %wdayname% AT %hour%:%min% DURATION 1:00 MSG "
set template1="REM %wdayname% MSG "
# monthly recurrence
set template2="REM %mday% AT %hour%:%min% DURATION 1:00 MSG "
set template3="REM %mday% MSG "
# algorithm to use for determining busy level
# "1" -> count the number of reminders in each day
# "2" -> count the number of hours of reminders in each day
set busy_algorithm="2"
# for busy_algorithm="2", assume that untimed reminders occupy this many minutes
set untimed_duration="0"
# if busy_algorithm="1", number of reminders per day allowed for each calendar
# colorization level; if busy_algorithm="2", use number of hours of reminders
# per day
set busy_level1="0" # level1 color
set busy_level2="3" # level2 color
set busy_level3="5" # level2 color, bold
set busy_level4="7" # level3 color
# (everything else is level3 color, bold)
# first day of the week is Sunday
set week_starts_monday="true"
# 12/24 hour time settings
set schedule_12_hour="false"
set selection_12_hour="false"
set status_12_hour="false"
set description_12_hour="false"
# whether or not to keep the cursor centered when scrolling through timed
# reminders
set center_cursor="true"
# date syntax for the 'go to date' command can be big or little endian
set goto_big_endian="true"
# date syntax for the "quick reminder" command can be US style
# (6/1 -> June 1) or non-US style (6/1 -> January 6)
set quick_date_US="false"
# whether or not to number weeks within the month calendar
set number_weeks="true"
# whether or not the cursor should follow the current time
# after pressing the "home" key
set home_sticky="true"
# whether or not to display advance warnings
set advance_warning="true"
# width of the untimed reminders window
set untimed_window_width="60"
# whether or not to render untimed reminders in boldface
set untimed_bold="true"
# key bindings
bind "<pagedown>" scroll_down
bind "j" scroll_down
bind "<pageup>" scroll_up
bind "k" scroll_up
bind "<tab>" switch_window
bind "h" switch_window
bind "l" switch_window
bind "<left>" previous_day
bind "4" previous_day
bind "H" previous_day
bind "<right>" next_day
bind "6" next_day
bind "L" next_day
bind "<up>" previous_week
bind "8" previous_week
bind "[" previous_week
bind "K" previous_week
bind "<down>" next_week
bind "2" next_week
bind "]" next_week
bind "J" next_week
bind "<" previous_month
bind "{" previous_month
bind ">" next_month
bind "}" next_month
bind "<home>" home
bind "g" goto
bind "z" zoom
bind "<return>" edit
bind "<enter>" edit
bind "e" edit_any
bind "y" copy
bind "X" cut
bind "p" paste
bind "P" paste_dialog
bind "d" scroll_description_up
bind "D" scroll_description_down
bind "q" quick_add
bind "t" new_timed
bind "T" new_timed_dialog
bind "u" new_untimed
bind "U" new_untimed_dialog
bind "w" new_template0
bind "W" new_template1
bind "m" new_template2
bind "M" new_template3
bind "n" search_next
bind "/" begin_search
bind "<space>" next_reminder
bind "r" view_remind
bind "R" view_remind_all
bind "c" view_week
bind "C" view_month
bind "?" help
bind "\\Cl" refresh
bind "Q" quit
bind "<return>" entry_complete
bind "<enter>" entry_complete
bind "<backspace>" entry_backspace
bind "<esc>" entry_cancel
# set up the colors
color help green blue
color timed_default white black
color timed_current white red
color timed_reminder1 yellow blue
color timed_reminder2 white red
color timed_reminder3 white green
color timed_reminder4 yellow magenta
color untimed_reminder white black
color timed_date cyan black
color selection_info green blue
color description white black
color status green blue
color calendar_labels white black
color calendar_level1 white black
color calendar_level2 blue black
color calendar_level3 magenta black
color calendar_today white red
color left_divider cyan blue
color right_divider cyan blue
user@client $ mkdir bin
user@client $ nano bin/wyrd
VISUAL='/usr/bin/gvim -f --servername REMIND --remote-tab '
cd $HOME/remind
hg pull -u server || { echo; hg pull -u roam; }
if [ -f /usr/bin/wmctrl ]; then
wmctrl -R 'Terminal'
/usr/bin/wyrd && echo && hg addremove && hg commit -m '~/bin/wyrd' -u $USER@$HOSTNAME && { hg push server || { echo; hg push roam; } }
# The last && avoids a push when nothing has changed.
read -n1 -r -p 'Press any key to quit...'
exit 0
user@client $ chmod +x bin/wyrd
user@client $ ./bin/wyrd

An example of the output of the rem
command. The example includes among others reminders for ephemerids and the yearly FOSDEM conference in Brussels (see below).
Top-level reminders file
BANNER %_ Time: %# ~~~ Reminders for %w, %d %m %y ~~~
include /home/serge/remind/ephemerids
include /home/serge/remind/greg
include /home/serge/remind/seasons
include /home/serge/remind/dst.eu
include /home/serge/remind/holidays.be-nl
include /home/serge/remind/holidays.us
include /home/serge/remind/vacations.be-nl
include /home/serge/remind/birthdays
include /home/serge/remind/admin
include /home/serge/remind/health
include /home/serge/remind/trash
include /home/serge/remind/clubs
include /home/serge/remind/floss
include /home/serge/remind/contests
include /home/serge/remind/streams
#include /home/serge/remind/2013
include /home/serge/remind/2014
include /home/serge/remind/2015
include /home/serge/remind/2016
REM Mon MSG Week [weekno()]
#REM 201 AT :00 DURATION 1:00 MSG %1, %3: %"%"
REM Sat 1 Feb +7 AT 10:30 DURATION 8:30 MSG %"FOSDEM%" is %b.\
%_Université libre de Bruxelles\
%_Campus du Solbosch\
%_Avenue Franklin D. Roosevelt 50\
%_1050 Bruxelles\
%_Brussels Central\
%_Bus 71 Direction: From De Brouckere in central Brussels towards Delta\
Ham Radio fair
Every year, on the last Friday of June starts the three day long Ham Radio fair in Friedrischshafen, south Germany. One would feel tempted to program this reminder as falling into the fourth week of June. However, this is not valid for every year. There might be a fifth Friday in June! To circumvent this problem, one applies the technique called backward scanning as described in the Remind tutorial slides. This technique consist in scanning for the first Friday of the next month —July— and then counting back exactly seven days to find the last Friday of the previous month —June. The subsequent days are marked by counting back less days.
;Backward scanning for the last Friday of June
REM Fri Jul 1 --7 +30 AT 9:00 DURATION 9:00 MSG %"Ham Radio Friedrichshafen%"\
%_ http://www.hamradio-friedrichshafen.de/
REM Fri Jul 1 --6 AT 9:00 DURATION 9:00 MSG %"Ham Radio Friedrichshafen%"
REM Fri Jul 1 --5 AT 9:00 DURATION 6:00 MSG %"Ham Radio Friedrichshafen%"
REM Tue AT 19:45 BEFORE MSG %1, %3: PMD-, groen- en restafval%"%"
REM Wed AT 17:00 AFTER MSG %1, %3: Papier & karton%"%"
SET $LongDeg -5
SET $LongMin 20
SET $LongSec 36
SET $LatDeg 50
SET $LatMin 55
SET $LatSec 51
AT [sunrise(today())] MSG Sunrise at [sunrise(today())], %1%"%"
AT [sunset(today())] MSG Sunset at [sunset(today())], %1%"%"
MSG NM [moondate(0)] | 1Q [moondate(1)] | FM [moondate(2)] | LQ [moondate(3)]%"%"
MSG ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~%"%"
DST in Europe
SET Jan 1
SET Feb 2
SET Mar 3
SET Apr 4
SET May 5
SET Jun 6
SET Jul 7
SET Aug 8
SET Sep 9
SET Oct 10
SET Nov 11
SET Dec 12
FSET last(mo) "1 " + mon((mo%12)+1)+" --7"
# de zomertijd begint op de laatste zondag van maart, als de klok om 01:00 UTC (Nederlandse/Belgische tijd: 02:00 uur) een uur vooruit wordt gezet,…
REM Sun [last(Mar)] AT 02:00 MSG %"Begin zomertijd%": 02u wordt 03u lokale tijd.
# …en eindigt op de laatste zondag van oktober, als de klok om 01:00 UTC (Nederland/België: 03:00 uur zomertijd) een uur terug wordt gezet.
REM Sun [last(Oct)] AT 03:00 MSG %"Einde zomertijd%": 03u wordt 02u lokale tijd.
Belgian holidays
SET yr year(today())
SET easter easterdate(yr)
;Wettelijke feestdagen
OMIT Jan 01
REM Jan 01 MSG Nieuwjaar
OMIT [TRIGGER(easter)]
REM [TRIGGER(easter)] MSG Pasen
OMIT [TRIGGER(easter+1)]
REM [TRIGGER(easter+1)] MSG Paasmaandag
OMIT May 01
REM May 01 MSG Dag van de Arbeid
OMIT [TRIGGER(easter+39)]
REM [TRIGGER(easter+39)] MSG Onze-Lieve-Heer-Hemelvaart
OMIT [TRIGGER(easter+49)]
REM [TRIGGER(easter+49)] MSG Pinksteren
OMIT [TRIGGER(easter+50)]
REM [TRIGGER(easter+50)] MSG Pinkstermaandag
OMIT Jul 21
REM Jul 21 MSG Nationale feestdag van België
OMIT Aug 15
REM Aug 15 MSG Onze-Lieve-Vrouw-Hemelvaart
OMIT Nov 01
REM Nov 01 MSG Allerheiligen
OMIT Nov 11
REM Nov 11 MSG Wapenstilstand
OMIT Dec 25
REM Dec 25 MSG Kerstmis
#OMIT Nov 02
REM Nov 02 MSG Allerzielen%"%"
#OMIT Nov 15
REM Nov 15 MSG Koningsdag%"%"
#OMIT Dec 26
REM Dec 26 MSG Tweede Kerstdag%"%"
REM Jul 11 MSG Feestdag van Vlaanderen%"%"
REM Sep 27 MSG Dag van de Franse Gemeenschap%"%"
REM Nov 15 MSG Dag van de Duitstalige Gemeenschap%"%"
;Profane vieringen
REM Feb 14 +14 MSG %"Valentijnsdag%" is %b.
REM Apr 01 MSG 1 April%"%"
REM Sun May 08 +14 MSG %"Moederdag%" is %b.
REM Sun Jun 08 MSG Vaderdag
REM Oct 31 MSG Halloween%"%"
REM Dec 31 MSG Oudejaarsavond%"%"
;Kerkelijke vieringen
REM Sun Dec 24 --28 MSG Eerste Adventszondag%"%"
REM Sun Dec 24 --21 MSG Tweede Adventszondag%"%"
REM Dec 06 MSG Sinterklaas%"%"
REM Sun Dec 24 --14 MSG Derde Adventszondag%"%"
REM Sun Dec 24 --7 MSG Vierde Adventszondag%"%"
OMIT Dec 24
REM Dec 24 AT 18:00 MSG Kerstavond is %1.%"%"
REM Jan 06 MSG Driekoningen%"%"
REM Mar 17 MSG %"Saint-Patrick's Day%"
REM [TRIGGER(easter-46)] MSG Aswoensdag%"%"
REM [TRIGGER(easter-7)] MSG Palmzondag%"%"
REM [TRIGGER(easter-3)] MSG Witte Donderdag%"%"
REM [TRIGGER(easter-2)] MSG Goede Vrijdag%"%"
REM [TRIGGER(easter-1)] MSG Stille Zaterdag%"%"
REM Nov 11 MSG Sint-Maarten%"%"
Black Friday & Cyber Monday
SET week1 01
SET week2 08
SET week3 15
SET week4 22
REM Nov 11 MSG Aliexpress sale
REM Thu [week4] Nov MSG Thanksgiving
REM Fri [week4+1] Nov MSG Black Friday!
REM Mon [Week4+4] Nov MSG Cyber Monday!
all US holidays (including Jewish)
Flemish school vacations
SET yr year(today())
SET easter easterdate(yr)
;De zomervakantie begint op 1 juli en eindigt op 31 augustus.
REM [date(yr,07,01)] *1 UNTIL [date(yr,08,31)] MSG zomervakantie
;De herfstvakantie begint op maandag van de week waarin 1 November valt en duurt 1 week.
;Als 1 November op zondag valt, dan begint de herfstvakantie op 2 November.
REM Mon 3 Nov --9 MSG herfstvakantie
REM Mon 3 Nov --8 MSG herfstvakantie
REM Mon 3 Nov --7 MSG herfstvakantie
REM Mon 3 Nov --6 MSG herfstvakantie
REM Mon 3 Nov --5 MSG herfstvakantie
REM Mon 3 Nov --4 MSG herfstvakantie
REM Mon 3 Nov --3 MSG herfstvakantie
REM Mon 3 Nov --2 MSG herfstvakantie
REM Mon 3 Nov --1 MSG herfstvakantie
;De kerstvakantie begint op maandag van de week waarin kerstdag valt en duurt 2 weken.
;Als kerstdag op zaterdag of zondag valt, dan begint de kerstvakantie op maandag na kerstdag.
REM Mon 4 Jan --16 MSG kerstvakantie
REM Mon 4 Jan --15 MSG kerstvakantie
REM Mon 4 Jan --14 MSG kerstvakantie
REM Mon 4 Jan --13 MSG kerstvakantie
REM Mon 4 Jan --12 MSG kerstvakantie
REM Mon 4 Jan --11 MSG kerstvakantie
REM Mon 4 Jan --10 MSG kerstvakantie
REM Mon 4 Jan --9 MSG kerstvakantie
REM Mon 4 Jan --8 MSG kerstvakantie
REM Mon 4 Jan --7 MSG kerstvakantie
REM Mon 4 Jan --6 MSG kerstvakantie
REM Mon 4 Jan --5 MSG kerstvakantie
REM Mon 4 Jan --4 MSG kerstvakantie
REM Mon 4 Jan --3 MSG kerstvakantie
REM Mon 4 Jan --2 MSG kerstvakantie
REM Mon 4 Jan --1 MSG kerstvakantie
;De krokusvakantie begint de 7de maandag voor Pasen en duurt 1 week.
REM [trigger(easter-50)] *1 UNTIL [trigger(easter-42)] MSG krokusvakantie
;De paasvakantie begint de 1ste maandag van april en duurt 2 weken.
REM Mon 14 Apr --16 SATISFY [easter > date(yr,3,31) && easter <= date(yr,4,15)] MSG paasvakantie
REM Mon 14 Apr --15 SATISFY [easter > date(yr,3,31) && easter <= date(yr,4,15)] MSG paasvakantie
REM Mon 14 Apr --14 SATISFY [easter > date(yr,3,31) && easter <= date(yr,4,15)] MSG paasvakantie
REM Mon 14 Apr --13 SATISFY [easter > date(yr,3,31) && easter <= date(yr,4,15)] MSG paasvakantie
REM Mon 14 Apr --12 SATISFY [easter > date(yr,3,31) && easter <= date(yr,4,15)] MSG paasvakantie
REM Mon 14 Apr --11 SATISFY [easter > date(yr,3,31) && easter <= date(yr,4,15)] MSG paasvakantie
REM Mon 14 Apr --10 SATISFY [easter > date(yr,3,31) && easter <= date(yr,4,15)] MSG paasvakantie
REM Mon 14 Apr --9 SATISFY [easter > date(yr,3,31) && easter <= date(yr,4,15)] MSG paasvakantie
REM Mon 14 Apr --8 SATISFY [easter > date(yr,3,31) && easter <= date(yr,4,15)] MSG paasvakantie
REM Mon 14 Apr --7 SATISFY [easter > date(yr,3,31) && easter <= date(yr,4,15)] MSG paasvakantie
REM Mon 14 Apr --6 SATISFY [easter > date(yr,3,31) && easter <= date(yr,4,15)] MSG paasvakantie
REM Mon 14 Apr --5 SATISFY [easter > date(yr,3,31) && easter <= date(yr,4,15)] MSG paasvakantie
REM Mon 14 Apr --4 SATISFY [easter > date(yr,3,31) && easter <= date(yr,4,15)] MSG paasvakantie
REM Mon 14 Apr --3 SATISFY [easter > date(yr,3,31) && easter <= date(yr,4,15)] MSG paasvakantie
REM Mon 14 Apr --2 SATISFY [easter > date(yr,3,31) && easter <= date(yr,4,15)] MSG paasvakantie
REM Mon 14 Apr --1 SATISFY [easter > date(yr,3,31) && easter <= date(yr,4,15)] MSG paasvakantie
;- Als Pasen in de maand maart valt, dan begint de paasvakantie op maandag na Pasen.
REM [trigger(easter-1)] *1 UNTIL [trigger(easter+14)] SATISFY [easter <= date(yr,3,31)] MSG paasvakantie vroeg
;- Als Pasen na 15 april valt, begint de paasvakantie de 2de maandag voor Pasen.
; De paasvakantie duurt dan 1 dag langer: paasmaandag, een wettelijke feestdag.
REM [trigger(easter-15)] *1 UNTIL [trigger(easter+1)] SATISFY [easter > date(yr,4,15)] MSG paasvakantie laat
;Hemelvaartsdag en de dag erna zijn vakantiedagen.
REM [trigger(easter+39)] *1 UNTIL [trigger(easter+42)] MSG hemelvaartsvak.
;Verder zijn 11 November, 1 mei en pinkstermaandag wettelijke feestdagen.
Additional scripts
$ nano ~/.bashrc
alias rem='clear; rem'
The rem+
prints reminders for coming days:
$ nano bin/rem+
rem $(date --date="$1 day" +%Y-%m-%d)
command | reminders for |
rem+ |
tomorrow |
rem+ 2 |
day after tomorrow |
rem+ n |
nth day after today |
The wk
script produces a calendar for this week or more weeks:
$ nano bin/wk
rem -c+$1 -b1 -m -w$(tput cols) $2 $3

Example output of the wk
The wk+
script produces calendars for coming weeks:
$ nano bin/wk+
rem -c+ -b1 -m -w$(tput cols) $(date --date="$1 week" +%F)
command | calendar for |
wk+ |
next week |
wk+ 2 |
second week after this week |
wk+ n |
nth week after this week |
The mo
script produces a six-week calendar, starting with the current week. This view will always encompasses an entire calendar month.
$ nano bin/mo
rem -c+6 -b1 -m -w$(tput cols) $1 $2
The mo+
$ nano bin/mo
if [ $# -eq 0 ]
mo $(date --date="$MONTHS months" +%F)
Hipster PDA
From Merlin Mann the same Folders 43, Hipster PDA
I chose ConTeXt to render the PDF because the result ends up nicer than with LaTeX. The Symbola font allows for a wide variety of calendar symbols. It is available through the ttf-ancient-fonts
package. Be sure to also follow the LuaTeX font installation instructions, as well as the instructions to install simplefonts
$ nano bin/hpda
# Creates a hipster PDA.
# https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hipster_PDA
hg pull -u -R $HOME/remind
rem -c+6 -b1 -m -w140 $1 $2 \
| pandoc --output=$HOME/hpda.tex -t context --standalone \
-V mainlang='nl' -V papersize='A4, landscape' \
-H <(echo '\setuppagenumbering[location=]'; \
echo '\setupbodyfontenvironment[default][em=italic]'; \
echo '\usemodule[simplefonts][size=10pt]'; \
echo '\setmainfont[Symbola]'; \
context $HOME/hpda.tex --result=~/hpda.pdf --batchmode > /dev/null 2>&1
rm $HOME/hpda.{tex,tuc,log}
xdg-open $HOME/hpda.pdf > /dev/null 2>&1
Notifications with cron
I have not been using notifications so far.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution‑NonCommercial‑ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Other licensing available on request.

Unless otherwise stated, all originally authored software on this site is licensed under the GNU GPL version 3.

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